Is it over?

I don’t want to jinx myself, but I think we may have come out of this with only one person getting sick. I have no clue how that happened. As of today my son is now cleared by the Health Department to come out of quarantine. I’m still nervous because he also tested positive again, as of Monday. We have let the littles ones take their masks off. They are very happy about this. Our oldest is returning to school on Thursday, and Chris has to return to work on Monday. While I am ready to get back to whatever normal we had before, I still feel like this is way too fast. There is so much uncertainty.

Why didn’t anyone else get sick? Are we safe to get back to normal? Should everyone get quick tested again before we let people go back to the real world? Will we be able to get back to the way were were without feeling weird about not being around each other?

Finally, I’m afraid Chris will no longer have a job. He has now been out for 4 weeks, so far without pay. He is supposed to be paid for 13 days of missed work. This has yet to happen. He was exposed to someone who tested positive so he had to go get tested before returning to work. He got a quick test, that came back negative, so he went back the next day and they told him they don’t accept quick test, he had to do a PCR. We couldn’t get an appointment for that day, so we went the next day, during a major ice storm. This is now a Wednesday, three days of missed work. The samples didn’t get picked up, because of the storm, until sometime that weekend. We didn’t receive the results until the following Thursday. He has missed two full weeks by that point. As he prepared to go back to work the test result for the 11yo came back, that Saturday. He contacted work immediately and was told not to return to work for 20 days. He is supposed to get paid 3 days for missing to be tested and 10 days for having to miss because of our son. I am afraid that they are going to dispute the two weeks he was off for testing, even though we have the the documentation for it. My stress level are through the roof because of it. I am not sure what we are going to do it they won’t let him return. I hate this. I hate all of this.

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One thought on “Is it over?

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your story during this pandemic. My stead has been fighting this too. We are a young family; however, this Covid can beat us up too. I quit my CNA job because that is where I got it from. My kids have been sick on and off since December. One of my sons has had symptoms since January with fevers for a month and still has a sore throat. Yesterday, his throat was bleeding. He can’t eat much. He has surgery this coming Thursday, which is still days away, but thankful he is finally getting it taken care of. He is 12. Praying he recovers well and no longer suffers and he can have his pancakes back. It all started when we contracted the horrible virus. Wishing your family a speedy and healthful recovery.

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